Ray Probasco
I am Dr. Ray Probasco, a United Methodist pastor for the past 45 years. I have served congregations in Indiana during that time, studied for and received my doctorate in Church Growth and pioneered and developed several mission projects around the world. However the opportunities I have had to work with doctors, patients and families who are suffering from the ravages of serious and/or terminal illnesses are the ministries that speak to the need I feel to work with families suffering from catastrophic illness. Ryan White, a young boy who died of AIDS, in 1990, was my friend and parishioner and together we worked to help educate the world about the humanity of AIDS. This disease is now survivable. Olivia Kresach was a member of our family. Her spirit and contribution will continue through the work BRAIN UP and we do to eradicate this disease. We intend to be successful. I am honored to be a part of the Board of Directors for BRAIN UP.